
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Why A Blog?

I am a writer. I wrote non-fiction articles for 4 years and published my debut novel in September, 2011. I am not a writer because I love to write, but rather, because I love to communicate. What I have to say changes. Hence, The Cre8tive Housewife.

I am a geek. I love all things technology, and I've loved computers since I was 7 years old. That's 23 years ago, for anyone who wants to know. When I meal plan, I no kidding use a spreadsheet. There will be technology in this blog, especially about ways to use it and make life easier.

I am smart. I am a college graduate who stays home with my kids. Yes, I've had a few idiots ask "Why did you bother to get a degree if you're a housewife?" First, I graduated BEFORE I became a stay-at-home wife (yep, I stayed home starting a full two years before our youngest, and my only "bio child," was born). But that piece of paper means nothing to me and I rarely think about it more than once a month when we pay $140 to my student loan.

No, when I say I am smart, I mean it like someone would explain a talent in another area. Like sports. But mine is in brains. I have a photographic memory, recall that has gotten me into plenty of trouble, and I learn anything and everything I want to the first time I try. There is also a crippling perfectionist streak in me a mile and a half long. I don't say that to brag, I say that upfront so people can understand where I'm writing from. If you were labeled with the wonderful "gifted" moniker in the late 80s/early 90s in school, chances are we will be great chums. If not, then that's not a problem either, you might just look at me funny and wonder why on earth I seem to do things the hard way on the easiest task.

I am happily married and I love my children. My husband and I were engaged for 2 years before we got married, and yes, we lived together. His career is very demanding and one that put a great deal of strain on us early on in our relationship, but we got through with flying colors and are much stronger for it. Thankfully, our lives today are absolutely boring in comparison to the first five years we were together spent attached to fast-attack submarines. I'm good with it staying boring. Really.

My children are a joy and challenge. I have an almost 12-year-old stepson who is awesome, but comes with not just the typical pre-teen baggage, but also a co-parenting situation with his other parent in another state. He lives with us currently, but the plan is for him to switch houses again for next school year. He's lived with us for the last two years, so come August, our home life will see a huge adjustment as he only visits once per month. I am NOT looking forward to it, but he's loved in both homes and it's best for him to maintain strong relationships with all of his parents, not just one set.

My youngest is a 90 mph, daredevil toddler. She'll be 3 in June, and she's already been to the doctor for both removal of an object up her nose (fuzz from one of her blankets), and two stitches in her upper lip when she split it open playing with her big brother. Her name is Catelynn and you'll hear a lot about her. She's super tall for her age, though I'm 5'8" and my grandmother was 5'11" so she comes by it honestly. That means I have a tall, physically advanced toddler without a lick of maturity to go with it. This past summer, we visited Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, VA and she rode every ride she could (many of them as she was 38" tall). Like I said, she's my pedal to the metal girl, and if she was not in bed right now, I'd be fussing at her to "Get down!" on whatever it was she was climbing now.


Because it's easy, click, click, click, website. I don't know how often I will update, as I do a ton of other things already. This is mostly cathartic for me, but I also LOVE people, so I gladly share what I can. I've had dark days of questioning what I was doing with my time, and then nights like tonight where I feel successful because after four months of hell, my daughter is finally going pee-pee on the potty when she has to go! Then I go back to thinking "How did I get to the point of feeling successful at what I do and it involving a toilet?"

I've been blogging about my experiences as a new author over on, but lately, I haven't felt the NEED to share over there. If it comes back, I will, if not, that's okay, too. I just want a place where I can write about my successes and failures and not always have to tie it to my writing side of my life. So here I am.

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